Install instructions

Install React Native

React Native Store Locator was built on React Native framework. To run it, you need to install React Native.

You can find instructions to install and run React Native on their own Getting Started tutorial : here.

Install Project dependencies

Extract the project, then go to the root folder (where you have file named "package.json" ). Open command prompt and run the following command:

npm install


yarn install

Configure your google places API KEY (webservice)

Generate your Google Places API key webservices following these instruction

Then add your key to in app/config.js by modifying const googleApiKey.

Example :

const googleApiKey = 'AIzaSyD03j3w7psTROTBl-rMJjbidi-aZUAV7Ng';

Run the project with Expo

This project was developed to be compatible with Expo. You can use it to test the project rapidly on a real device or simulator

1- download the latest version of XDE : macOS, Windows (64-bit), or Linux

launch Expo XDE (refer to the documention here :

2- download Expo client on your device : Android from the Play Store or iOS from the App Store.

when you will launch XDE on the project, it will generates a unique development URL, and you will be able to access to this url from the Expo client on your device or simulator.

Run it with react native script

You can use the following command to run the app on iOS Emulator with expo :

 yarn run ios

and on Android Emulator :

yarn run android

Eject the project to generate XCode / Android Studio projects

WARNING : this action can't be easily rollback, this is used to generate your own XCode / Android Studio project.

More detail here :

Use the following command line to do it :

 yarn run eject

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